Thursday, February 27, 2014

Your Smile for the Day

When Holly was a kiddo living at home, she used inhaled antibiotics on a fairly regular basis.This time each aerosol required two vials of the antibiotic, which had to be drawn up with a syringe then squirted into the nebulizer. Now, keep in mind that each vial cost about $25 even with insurance. Well, I drew up the first vial and squirted it in, then I drew up the second, and as I squirted it into the neb, I knocked the neb over spilling the contents of both vials. Fifty bucks down the drain. So, back I went to get two more vials. Again I drew up the contents of the first vial and squirted it into the nebulizer. Then I drew up the second vial, and as I started to squirt it in the nebulizer, the syringe slipped out of my hand. Then, time slowed, and everything moved in slow motion as the syringe went tumbling . . . tumbling. . . tumbling . . . stuck in my thigh and just hung there. I stood there staring at it, and my then husband stood there staring at it. "Shit," I said in a matter of fact way just as it fell to the floor. My husband collapsed. I mean it. He collapsed right on the floor laughing. I never swore. I truly never swore, so when I did, he found it absolutely hilarious. Forget the fact that I had now wasted $75. It was worth the comedy relief. I think I let him handle filling the nebulizer after that.

So, the next time you think you've screwed something, anything, up. Just think of me with that syringe dangling from my thigh and reassure yourself that not much can be any dumber than that.

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