Monday, January 2, 2012


Today is January 2, 2012. I hope for all of you that this is a an exceptional year of growth and health for you and yours!

There's a great website I suggest you visit: featuring Jerry Cahill and the Boomer Esaison Foundation. Jerry has recently launched his I Cannot Fail effort to encourage those with CF and others to be the best they can possibly be. Be the hero of your own story is one of my favorite of Jerry's sayings. You can read about him and buy his book, a T-shirt and/or wrist band at this site. I strongly encourage you to do so.

Through Jerry I also learned of Moganko for CF . It's a great blog by another man with CF. He is using his "friend," a puppet/muppet named Monganko, to spread the word about CF and encourage those who have it to take care of themselves. He's starting a campaign to get the Muppets to join him to raise awareness about CF. You can join his efforts at the site.

We have more people than ever before promoting health for our sons and daughters no matter their age. I am grateful to them and to those who raise money for a cure. We need them all. Thank you  Jerry, Josh and the CF Foundation for all your efforts!


1 comment:

  1. I neglected to comment what a great tool Josh's videos are for getting younger kiddos to do and stick with treatments and taking pills. I wish I'd had them when Holly was little. I remember inventing all kinds of games to keep her occupied and entertained during treatments. It's not easy!
